Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Naruto manga chapter 441spoiler

Stutus: Prediction

Well this is what i think is going to happen…
Naruto will beat pain fair and square, THEN HE WILL FORGIVE PAIN , and offer him to join his side . It makes sense because as 4th said love breeds hatred which brings war and to stop all this your heart has to be bigger than the enemies (to forgive him) which will bring peace to everyone . pain is just a victim of circumstances who is being manipulated by madara .

By: Anonymous

Stutus: Prediction

Madera seeing through everything Minato did probably means that Minato tried to deal with the Kyuubi different ways and Madera was controlling the Kyuubi and able to make those attacks fail. Eventually Minato had to use his ultimate technique to seal it, but that carried a high price.

So he sealed the Kyuubi so Naruto could figure out how to use the power? I was expecting more, and a clue as to what “That Jutsu” would be, or “Hey there is a frogkey out there, go find it for info”.

I loved the line Minato gave to the Kyuubi. “Telling me you are going to rip me to shreds won’t make me come closer”.

I am just hoping that Naruto doesn’t break the cycle of hatred with Pain / Nagato. Some things cannot be forgiven. Kill Pain, Kill Madera, then work on breaking the cycle of hatred with Sasuke.

If Naruto (after killing Pain) finds Nagato, and Nagato says finish it, you were too strong, and Naruto gives him a hug instead and says lets be BFFs instead of fighting I will be seriously PO’ed.

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